Favorite Color
Ever since I was a little girl, my favorite color has been pink!

Favorite Dessert
Ice cream all day every day! It will be my demise, I am sure of it. Mint chocolate chip and cookie dough do me so dirty.

Favorite Quote
“Everything happens for a reason." Words I live by each and every day.
the important stuff:

My passion for music began at the age of six, when I first sat down on a piano bench. From that day forward, my love of music grew. As a young child, I played the clarinet, piano, and began to explore my vocal talents.
As I grew in music, I began singing whenever and wherever I could. Some of my early debuts include Cherry Idol, Detroit Super Singers, and opening in local festivals, bars, and restaurants.
I am currently writing and producing my own music, but can still be found on stage around Michigan doing what I love best!